Sensor BMP280 atmospheric pressure, temperature, 3.3V
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Sensor BMP280 atmospheric pressure, temperature, 3.3V

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Atmospheric pressure and temperature sensor with Bosch BMP280 sensor, uses I2C and SPI, compatible with Arduino and other development boards.

To use it with 5V development boards, a logic level converter is required .


Model: BMP/BME 280

Input voltage: 1.8 - 3.3VDC

Logic voltage: 3.3V

Interface: I2C (up to 3.4MHz), SPI (up to 10MHz)

I2C address: 0x76

Temperature: -40C - +85C, resolution 0.01C, precision +-1C

Atmospheric pressure: 300 - 1100hPa, resolution 0.18Pa, accuracy +-1Pa

The i2c address of the module is 0x76. If you fail to read the sensor on I2C, the address will have to be changed manually in the library. The I2C address can also be changed via the SDO pin. The SDO pin can vary the address between 0x76 and 0x77 depending on the state, High or Low.

Download the library here

Use example 2 from the library (i2c address).

Careful! The video is for presentation purposes. The logic level converter is not used in this one. We do NOT recommend this!

1.79 g
Este senzorul clasic de presiune
rating 5
Este, poate, cel mai folosit senzor de presiune atmosferică.
Atenție, procesorul trebuie să facă niște calcule ca să afle presiunea exactă.
adresa I2C
rating 5
Adresa I2C se poate modifica si la initializare prin begin(), nu este necesara modificarea bibiliotecii: _i2c = new TwoWire(0); // I2C 1 _i2c->begin(pin_sda, pin_scl, (uint32_t)100000); // pentru suprascriere porturi SDA si SCL pentru I2C 1 _bmp = new Adafruit_BMP280(_i2c); // _bmp->begin(BMP280_ADDRESS); // pentru 0x77 _bmp->begin(BMP280_ADDRESS_ALT); // pentru 0x76
rating 5
rating 5
Este un produs bun, masoara corect, dar doar temperatura si altitudinea, nu masoara si umiditatea. Umiditate, presiune si temperatura masoara BME280. BMP280 doar temperatura si presiune atmosferica.
Answer: Multumim pentru feedback :).
rating 5
Mic , de calitate

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